With some help from our members such as blaze, statiik and clay. We found a new way to recruit new members. These try-outs encourage individualism during the game itself and player must even team up against each other to gain the kills or points necessary to pass and make it in the clan if needed to. Try outs can be made whenever the right time is given or we can wait until more players stack up, to have a 4v4, 3v3, 2v2 for example.Every recruit will be tryed out in two (2) games.

Gears of war 1. (Sniper) > Map: One of the players selection, player chosen randomly. Game type: Execution. All default weapons are set to sinpers, The rules are: no perfecting a reload with the longshot to down any members, if  downing does happen, let the player get back up without causing him any harm when he does. No meleeing, two-piecing or double meleeing. You are not allowed to snipe or shoot at anyone while they are picking up a sniper rifle or ammunition. If  you run out of ammo for your longshot please take out your pistol and shoot at the ground in front of opposing members... *notice* IT IS NOT RECOMMENDED TO MELEE TO SAY WHEN READY. IF YOU SEE A PLAYER WITH A SNIPER IN HANDS, YOU MAY TRY TO KILL HIM, DOUBLE, TRIPLE, QUADRUPLE TEAMING IS, IN FACT, ALLOWED.

At the end of every match, the headshots will be counted as points. Normal kills means nothing. you must aquire or pass the amount of point required to pass in our clan, if you fail, you can always try again after one (1) months time.

All game types below are set to execution, first to five (5)

4v4 = Needs seven (7) points to pass.

3v3 = Needs six (6) points to pass.

2v2 = Needs five (5) points to pass.

1v1 = Needs three (3) points to pass.


The second part of the try out will concern shotguning skills. The players being tryed out choose the map to battle in (chosen randomly) In game you are not allowed to pick any ANY weapon displayed on the map (or simply replace the weaponry with nothing) You are not allowed to pre-active , but you are allowed to active during the actual fight, as soon as you respawn into a round keep in mind that everyone and anyone can shoot you without warning, this even include your own team mates. You are not alowed to two piece (melee and shoot) if you do this you will be warned to not do so and if oyu do it again, you will get booted.

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